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KBA Sp z o.o.
Al. Jerozolimskie 81, 02-001 Warszawa
Biurowiec Central Tower piętro 17

tel. +48 22 522 23 90
fax +48 22 522 23 91

e-mail: kba@kba.com.pl

NIP: 521-008-96-06,
Regon: 011089780
Zarząd: Tomasz Budziak
Zarejestrowana w: Sądzie Rejonowym dla m. St. Warszawy w XII Wydziale Gospodarczym Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego, pod numerem rejestrowym:
KRS: 0000078695
Nr ewid. KIBR: 84
Wysokość kapitału zakładowego: 90 000 zł

“Transparency Report”

The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to explain the rules for the processing of personal data which you make available to us and to discuss your basic rights related to the processing of your personal data by us.

Personal Data Controller

The Personal Data Controller is KBA sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Warsaw (00-833) at ul. Sienna 75 (hereinafter: ‘KBA’). Personal data collected by KBA are processed in accordance with the rules determined in the Polish Act of 29 August 1997 on the protection of personal data (the ‘Act’) and executive provisions based on it, as well as Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) – i.e. the so-called GDPR.

KBA keeps personal data confidential and protects them against access by third parties in accordance with the rules determined in the above-indicated legal acts.

Scope and purposes of the processing of personal data

Within its activities, KBA collects and processes personal data, in particular to carry out marketing of KBA services, to inform clients about events organised by KBA or in which KBA participates and about KBA activities, e.g. within a newsletter, as well as in order to:

  • provide KBA’s services to clients, including organising training,
    • cooperate with suppliers and other entities cooperating with KBA, and
    • recruit persons interested in working for or cooperating with KBA.

KBA processes such personal data as first and last name, contact phone number, address, e-mail address and/or other personal data provided by you.
In the case of data obtained by KBA within works performed for its clients or their employees, KBA also processes personal data other than those indicated above if the obligation to provide them results from separate provisions of law as well as if their provision is necessary due to the exercise by the employee of special rights provided for in labour law.

Your rights

The processing of your personal data takes place on a voluntary basis, however depending on the circumstances, the refusal to provide data or the request to erase them may prevent us from contacting you, submitting to you information about KBA’s events and activities or performing a service. The processing of personal data concerning KBA’s clients is regulated in agreements with these clients. The transfer of commercial information by electronic means, e.g. by e-mail, depends on receiving from you your previous consent. If you do not want KBA to process your personal data for marketing purposes, you may object to the processing of personal data for these purposes in accordance with the rules determined in the Act. Notwithstanding the above, in each case you have the right of access to your personal data and the right to their rectification.

Transfer of personal data to other entities

Your personal data are processed at KBA’s registered office and remotely at places of the task performance by KBA employees. As a rule, personal data are not transferred to other countries, in particular they are not transferred to countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA). In the case of transferring personal data to third countries outside the EEA, KBA will apply the instruments required by the Act, aimed at ensuring the security of your personal data.

In connection with cooperation with its suppliers and entities co-performing works for current or potential clients, KBA may entrust the processing of your personal data to the above-indicated entities. Nevertheless, in each case these entities will be obliged to keep secret your personal data and to process them in accordance with the Act, executive provisions and KBA instructions.

Access to information

If you want to obtain information about the processing of your personal data, please submit such a request to the address of KBA’s registered office:
e-mail: dane@kba.com.pl

Right to lodge a complaint

You have the right to lodge a complaint with the President of the Personal Data Protection Office if you consider that the processing of your personal data infringes the provisions of the GDPR.

Changes in the Privacy Policy

Any changes made by us in the Privacy Policy in the future will be published on this website and will enter into force after the acceptance of the modified Privacy Policy, about which you will be informed in the form of a pop-up window. We kindly ask you to regularly visit our website in order to check for updates to our Privacy Policy. If you do not accept our Privacy Policy or changes in the Privacy Policy, you should stop using our website.

More than 30 years of experience

Long-term and consistently developed practice of supporting our clients’ businesses.


Since 1998, we have been a member of global networks of consulting and auditing companies.

Professional team

Group of professional independent accountants and tax and business advisors.

" knowledge and practice "

The more than twenty professionals in our team use their qualifications to serve our clients.


business of the future



Since 1998, we have been a member of the leading global network of independent consulting and auditing companies. It brings together independent auditors and tax and business advisors from all over the world that have decided to join forces and create a network belonging in 2022 to the world’s TOP 10 audit and advisory service providers.